So this is a blog

After deleting the default “Hello world” post that comes standard with WordPress, here I’m adding my first blog post. How did this happen?

While listening to the audio book “The Complete Software Developer’s Career Guide” by John Sonmez, John explains that in order to become recognized as a resource in the software development field, you must first give value to others. This can be in the form of podcast suggestions, reviews of developer tools, or even a new technology you are learning. There’s a good possibility that there is someone out there that’s in the same boat you are, learning the same thing you are. This first hand knowledge could be just what someone needs to be encouraged to continue learning. Most people fail when they feel that they are the only ones struggling with a subject and can’t get past that learning hump.

My goal is to be a resource to anyone that finds these blog posts to help share what I’m learning, the struggles I encounter, and tips I find to help make your journey just a little easier than it was for me. Thank you for visiting my blog and I wish you the best in whatever your goals may be.

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